The 2010 Sino-Swedish workshop on fuel cell and application is inspired by the increasing the international interests in solid oxide fuel cells and their applications in distributed power systems. This workshop provided a forum for an intensive discussion and exchange of ideas for both Chinese and Swedish scientists and researchers interested in basic aspects and applications of solid oxide fuel cells.
The key topics of the workshop included: Single cell, Stack and system, Modeling and Application. The Vice-Director of NIMTE, Prof. Wei Guo Wang gave an opening speech and Prof. Cheng Xu chaired the meeting.
Two professors came from Lund University, Bengt Sundén and Jin Liang Yuan gave presentations of "On multiscale and multiphysics transport phenomena in fuel cells" and "Fuel cell modeling approaches" respectively. Mr. Martin Anderson as short-term exchange student also made a lecture. He will still do his research work in NIMTE for next two months.